For CMDRLog, a project I started a while back to integrate with the game Elite Dangerous, I wanted to parse the “Player Journal,” a file that contains a line of JSON for just about every event that happens during the course of the game. Since I knew how I would approach this in Node or Ruby, I thought I would tackle it in Rust.

The main library for working with json in rust appears to be serde, which aims to prevent the kind of errors that could arise from typos in code–something the compiler might not catch. So, I added serde to a new rust project:


"serde" = "1.0"
"serde_derive" = "1.0"
"serde_json" = "1.0"

pub extern crate serde_derive;

pub extern crate serde;
pub extern crate serde_json;

And then I used its macros with an enum to parse out the data, since I wanted to be able to differentiate between the types of events. The result looked something like:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(tag = "event")]
enum PlayerJournalEvent {
  BuyDrones {
      timestamp: String,

      #[serde(rename(deserialize = "Count"))]
      count: u32

Two cool things to note above: the first is the #[serde(tag = "event")] macro, which meant that when I deserialized a json string, it would automatically know which variant it was. So an { event: “BuyDrones”, … } would become an instance of PlayerJournalEvent::BuyDrones. Helpful, since all of the lines from the player journal had a different structure. I couldn’t have fields that were in some but not all the journal events. That caused the program to panic.The second cool thing was the macro #[serde(rename(deserialize = "Count"))], which allowed me to clean up the parsed json, which was in a strange mix of lowercase, PascalCase, and a few capitalized Snake_Case thrown in for good measure.

Still, there was a problem to the approach above: the player journal had many distinct events in the game. I didn’t know them all and only wanted to track a handful of them. It also meant that I had to repeat the timestamp property for each event type. So I created a struct with the only two fields that were common to all the events, and a third field called raw_json, where I stored a clone of the unparsed json–for later use.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct PlayerJournalEvent {
    event: String,
    timestamp: String,

    raw_json: String,

impl PlayerJournalEvent {
    fn new(s: String) -> PlayerJournalEvent {
        let mut pje: PlayerJournalEvent = from_str(&s).unwrap();
        pje.raw_json = s.clone();