Git Branch Descriptions
I came across this feature in git the other day and was immediately struck by how useful it was.
First of all, from the documentation on git branch
Open an editor and edit the text to explain what the branch is for, to be used by various other commands (e.g. format-patch, request-pull, and merge (if enabled)). Multi-line explanations may be used.
I haven’t seen this use case in action (it appears not to replace the description of pull requests on Github for multi-commit pull requests), but I had another use in mind.
Sometimes I’ll be working in a branch named after a ticket, like: ag/dd-21
, but it depends on another branch, which might not be one of mine. I usually keep these notes written down somewhere, but if I’m working away from my desk, I sometimes don’t have access to all of my notes! A way I’ve solved this is to have a .notes
file that is globally ignored, so that I can track all of the information about my in-flight branches. Still, I have to go hunting around for this information, which means that I sometimes forgot to check and end up doing stupid things in that branch, like rebasing on the wrong branch.
To add a branch description, you would use this command:
=> git branch --edit-description
This launches the terminal’s default editor, where you can enter a description like: “base on js/dd-20!” The command to show a branch description is git config branch.branch-name.description
, or in this case:
=> git config
base on js/dd-20!
This was pretty cool, but even with an alias, it would get old trying to find out what that description was after a while. So I opened up my ~/.bash_profile
and started hacking away. I came across this nice gist while I was putting this together, which gave me an idea for improving my prompt. I wanted it to look something like:
ruby-2.0.0 wookiebookie ag/dd-21
base on js/dd-20!
[12:08 PM] $
So I added the following functions to my profile: parse_git_branch()
, parse_git_branch_color()
, and parse_git_description()
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* //'
parse_git_branch_color() {
gitstatus=`git status 2> /dev/null`
if [[ `echo $gitstatus | grep "Changes to be committed"` != "" ]]
echo -e "${hot_pink}"
elif [[ `echo $gitstatus | grep "Changes not staged for commit"` != "" ]]
echo -e "${yellow}"
elif [[ `echo $gitstatus | grep "Untracked"` != "" ]]
echo -e "${red}"
elif [[ `echo $gitstatus | grep "nothing to commit"` != "" ]]
echo -e "${green}"
echo -e "${blue}"
parse_git_description() {
git config branch.$(parse_git_branch).description
I then used them in my PS1:
export PS1="$ps1_red$(~/.rvm/bin/rvm-prompt i v g) $ps1_blue\W \[\$(parse_git_branch_color)\]\$(parse_git_branch)\n$ps1_red\[\$(parse_git_description)\]\\n$ps1_blue[\@] \$$ps1_txt "
… And voila! My shell now shows the branch description on the second line. If I’m not in a directory with git installed, it just shows a blank line, but that isn’t bothering me at the moment.